​DDBSA Club Programs (please click photos for more info)​

​National Specialty Committee: responsible for coordinating, producing, and promoting the annual DDBSA National Specialty weekend, the commitee works year 'round to organize our breed's biggest event of the year. ​The National Specialty is our biggest fundraiser of the year.
​Awards and Recognition Program: designed to honor and recognize those members and dogues whose achievements and commitment to the breed are unparalleled. Offering both lifetime and annual achievement honors, the program pays tribute to some very special members and their dogues
​Health Committee: currently being reformulated to meet the changing and growing concerns to our breed's welfare, the committee is designed to explore the most pressing areas of concern and formulate recommendations for health testing of breeding dogues.
​Supported Entry Committee: designed to assist DDB enthusiasts with the organization and promotion of DDBSA Supported Entry and Sweepstake events. The committee's goal is to help secure successful breed entries while promoting good sportsmanship amongst exhibitors.
​Working Ability Program: celebrating the working spirit and origin of the breed, the committee aims to promote and honor those dogue and owner teams who demonstrate, our breed's athletic and mental capabilites through avenues such as obedience, agility, rally, therapy work, etc.
​Sunshine Committee: designed to offer support to members-in-need during times of loss, illness, or hardship.

Breeder Education Committee: DDBSA's Breeder Education Committee follows the lead of the American Kennel Club's program by challenging our Members to "Breed with H.E.A.R.T." Like our Parent club (AKC), our program will focus on: Health, Education, Accountability, Responsibility, and Tradition.
We work collaboratively with our Health Committee to assist breeders with ongoing and ever-evolving health concerns in the breed; the Judge's Education Committee, to maintain a consistent educational platform based on our Standard; and our Rescue Oversight Committee, to encourage breeders to donate time and other resources for saving and re-homing those dogues in need.

Judges Education Committee: The DDBSA Judges' Education Committee works diligently to educate AKC judges on the Dogue de Bordeaux breed standard. Seminars are conducted to give judges both, practical and theoretical knowledge of the Dogue de Bordeaux breed standard with the hope and intent that this knowledge will be applied in the show ring; therefore, promoting correct breed type, temperament and conformation.
Kennel clubs, Dog Judges Associations, Show Clusters, Study Groups and any other organization that is interested in learning about our magnificant breed and would like to host a Dogue de Bordeaux Seminar/Workshop are welcome and encouraged to contact us.
Rescue Oversight Committee: This committee oversees the day-to-day operations of our Dogue de Bordeaux Society of America Rescue and has direct administrative and operational oversight of the DDBSA Rescue operation.