Main Club Address & Contact Information​
Email: ​info@ddbsa.org
​President (2024-2026)​
Angie Reed * evergreenbrdx@gmail.com
Vice-President (2023-2025)​
Toni Young * toni@rogueartists.com
Recording Secretary (2024-2026)​
Maryanna Cox-Herrington * Mcoxherrington@gmail.com
Treasurer (2024-2026)​
Kathi Cannon * kathi.cannon@aol.com
Corresponding Secretary (2023-2025)
Colleen Ewald * cmewald@yahoo.com
AKC Delegate (2024-2026)​
Victor Smith, EdD * v102071@inreach.com
​Board of Directors
Viola Shannon * jimviolas@bellsouth.net
Wendy Hebert * wendyheb@gmail.com
Board of Directors
Linda Pacioretty, PhD * lp@bionxs.com
Deana Crutcher * gingerhausddb@gmail.com
Tracy Pintabona * elsadogue@yahoo.com​
Club Officers & Board of Directors
AKC Gazette - v102071@inreach.com
​Awards Program – lp@bionxs.com
Breeder Education - gingerhausddb@gmail.com
​Canine Legislation - ddbsa.akclegislativealerts@gmail.com
CHIC/Longevity - gingerhausddb@gmail.com
Ethics - v102071@inreach.com
​Health Committee – gingerhausddb@gmail.com
Judges' Education - v102071@inreach.com Membership – evergreenbrdx@gmail.com
Nationals – evergreenbrdx@gmail.com
Newsletter (Slobber) – evergreenbrdx@comcast.net
Supported Entries – ewaldc04@gmail.com
Rescue - jimviolas@bellsouth.net
Sunshine Committee – gingerhausddb@gmail.com
Trophies – info@ddbsa.org
Ways and Means – wendyheb@gmail.com
Website - info@ddbsa.org
Working/Ability/ Recognition - lp@bionxs.com
Committee Contacts

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The name "Dogue de Bordeaux Society of America, Inc." and the associated seal and logo are trademarked with the State of New Jersey, are the sole property of this club, and may not be used for any purpose outside of this club for any reason without the written consent/approval from the Board of Directors. This includes, but is not limited to, the distribution of any posted materials from individuals to members. The DDBSA will provide you with the logo and said logo must be used in the same format, size and colors as provided.
The logo may not be used with any third person's article or column over which the DDBSA has no editorial control. The logo may not appear in any advertising or in any type of visual presentation without specific DDBSA approval. Request for approval may be directed to the Corresponding Secretary.
Use of the club logo on member website is open to all DDBSA members in good standing with AKC and DDBSA who have participated in club programs such as Breeder Listing, Healthy Stars, etc. Use of the club logo is subject to approval by DDBSA Board of Directors; all websites utilizing the club logo are expected to contain true statements without false claims or information.