Judges' Education Committee
Committee Members
Victor Smith, EdD - Chair
Jennifer Roberts * Raymond Smith * Angie Reed
The DDBSA Judges' Education Committee diligently educates AKC judges on the AKC Dogue de Bordeaux Breed Standard. Seminars are conducted to provide both practical and theoretical knowledge. The committee intends for judges to apply this knowledge in the conformation ring leading to the promotion of correct breed type, temperament, and conformation.
Kennel clubs, Dog Judges Associations, Show Clusters, Study Groups, and any other organization interested in learning about our magnificent breed and would like to host a Dogue de Bordeaux Seminar/Workshop are welcome and encouraged to contact us.
The next Judges Education Seminars are scheduled as follows:
Dogue de Bordeaux National Specialty
October 10, 2024 @ 11:00 am
2024 Harvest Cluster Show
Wilson County Exposition Center
Lebanon, Tennessee
AKC National Championship
December 2024 (Date/time pending)
AKC/DJAA Advanced Judges Institute
Orange County Convention Center
Orlando, Florida
​Heart of the Desert Classic
February 01, 2025 @ 11:00 am
Arizona Dog Judges Education, Inc
Arizona Exposition and State Fair
Veterans Memorial Coliseum
1826 W McDowell Road
Phoenix, Arizona
Victor C. Smith, EdD
AKC Delegate
Chair, Judges Education
Information: v102071@inreach.com