2015 National Specialty - Albany, OR

Best of Breed, WB & BOW
BISS CH Butterball Bullies NW Colossal Porche
Best of Opposite Sex
CH Quick z Orisku

Select Dog & Top 20 Invitational Winner
GCH Woodland Park's Low Country Benne

Select Bitch
GCH Trojan's Timetobe Notice Mt. Sinai's Breitling
Photo Coming Soon

Award of Merit
GCH Rising Star's Livin' La Vida Loca

Award of Merit
GCH Powerhouse Everybody Loves a Bentley
Congratulations to the 2015 DDBSA National Specialty Winners!
March 27, 2015
Judge Madame Anne-Marie Class
Best of Breed
BISS CH Butterball Bullies NW Colossal Porche
Best of Opposite
CH Quik z Orisku
Select Dog
Top 20 Invitational Winner
GCH Woodland Park's Low Country Benne
Select Bitch
GCH Trojans Timetobe Notice Mt. Sinai's Breitling
GCH Rising Star's Livin' La Vida Loca
GCH Powerhouse Everybody Loves a Bentley
BISS CH Butterball Bullies NW Colossal Porche
Cylo dela Fabion de las Casas
Tacker Z Orisku
Gridirons California Girl
Best Veteran
CH Camelot's Thunder Kiss
Best Puppy
Camelot's A New Hope
Best Bred by Exhibitor
Johonaeei Bitis Triton